Be Inspired! Meet U.S. Colleges & Experts, Guest Speakers Include…
Meet with American universities, admissions, athletics, arts & financing experts and more at the US College Expo
- A one day event in two cities in Canada.
- Connect in person with US college representatives.
- Explore US college options!
- Listen and learn from guest speakers.
- Understand all aspects of the US admissions process, from selection, application, financing and student athlete considerations!
You are invited to meet these inspiring guest speakers
and more at the U.S. College Expo
Understand all aspects of the US Admissions process, from selection, application, financing and student athlete considerations.
Speaker / Special Appearance
DJ Irie
Official DJ for the Miami Heat
Florida International University Grad
Gillian Apps
3X Olympic Hockey Gold Medalist
Dartmouth College Grad
Anita Weiss
Assistant Director of Recruitment
Pre-College Programs at Columbia University
Joanna Severino
Educator, Founder & President
US College Expo & Prepskills
Julian Jenkins
Stanford University Grad
Senior Director, NCSA
Jeanne Lam
Harvard Business School & Cornell University Grad
Public Exhibit
All parents and students are welcome!
Speak with U.S. College representatives and ask about student life, the admissions process, tuition and so much more!!
Please pass this on and ask families to pre-register at (Free Admission).