Sara Thorfinnson
“When I realized that I wanted to go to Northeastern University in Boston starting next fall, I also realized that I would probably have to write the SATs. The Prepskills SAT preparation course greatly prepared me for writing the SATs. The one on one teacher-student environment allowed for the individual attention needed to improve my weaknesses.
The practice SAT tests were probably the most helpful preparation tool that I was provided with, as I got a taste of what the SATs were actually like before writing them! In terms of my admission process into Northeastern, it was not actually required of me to write the SATs because I was an international student, however, I knew that if I wrote them and achieved a high score, then I would have a greater probability of being accepted to the school! Thankfully, I achieved a higher score than I was aiming for and Northeastern recognized this. I was offered early acceptance and admission into the school’s Honours program. I accepted their offer and will be attending starting in the fall!”