Did you know US Colleges award money for SAT scores?

We encourage all students to prepare and take the SAT as your score may provide you with academic/merit scholarship.
If you are in Grade 9-11 currently, take the SAT! SAT has a 5-year validity so you can use it when you apply.
Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Explore your options and be READY!
Prepskills ~ Prep Smarter. Score Higher. Join our upcoming SAT prep classes or private SAT preparation.
Register HERE
Are you overwhelmed by the Admissions & Application Process?
The U.S. Admissions process is complex, time consuming and highly competitive, and in fact, most successful students actually engage the assistance of a professional to navigate the complex process of admissions to an Ivy League and elite U.S. schools.
We are pleased to be able to provide the PrepUSCollege ™ services for the US admissions process including school strategy, and selection, application, personal statement, supplementary essays, reference letters, interviewing techniques.
PrepUSCollege ™ includes:
- SAT Class Session Preparation (Select Group Class or Private)
- US College Admissions Consulting – 10 hours private consulting with our expert US College Admissions consultants
- 1 hour group Q & A and information session with Joanna Severino, Prepskills & US College Expo, Founder & President
- 30-minute private strategy online session with Joanna Severino, Prepskills & US College Expo, Founder & President
- Prepskills’ American College Admissions Guide resource book
- Invitation to online events with US Colleges & Expert Guests, including connecting online with student, parent, and admissions ambassadors.
- Invitation to our exclusive private Facebook group US College Connect ™
- VIP Invitation to in-person events hosted by Prepskills & US College Expo (skip the line and book meetings with representatives!)
Recommendations, school research and insights will be provided. Let us know your requirements so that we may facilitate your journey through…. KNOWLEDGE – CHOICE – SUCCESS™
Our highly experienced Ivy League Canadian consultants who successfully navigated the journey to US colleges and helped hundreds of students.
Create your narrative, CV, internship opportunities, narrow down your picks, craft your authentic personal statement, and more, with support and mentorship!
We take a customized, personalized approach to admissions and consulting. You are UNIQUE.
Register for PrepUSCollege ™
Call (416) 200-7728 for further information about the US College Admissions process, PrepUSCollege ™, consulting, SAT and more!