“I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your generous support. PREPSKILLS program greatly contributed to Marko’s success. Attending weekly classes this summer enabled Marko to focus on the program and be fully prepared for the SAT test.
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Lily Zhou
“Daniel’s SSAT scores in verbal were 710, in math they were 677 and in reading it was 710 with the total being 2097. Daniel got accepted by UTS and recently earned the John and Margaret Withrow scholarship making him one of the four (3 out of 4 are PREPSKILLS®‘ students) that were recipients of it.. We really appreciate the help PREPSKILLS® gave to him.”
Jenny Yan
“I thought that PREPESSENTIALS™ was a great course, and gave you a chance to try out new ways of doing things that you never might have thought of before. It was very interactive ( for the most part, but the less interactive aspects of the course were informative and satisfying in their own way), and the hands-on experiences, scenarios, and situations really gave me a new perspective on different kinds of leadership and how to use them effectively. PREPESSENTIALS™ was a great course.”
Sara Thorfinnson
“When I realized that I wanted to go to Northeastern University in Boston starting next fall, I also realized that I would probably have to write the SATs. The Prepskills SAT preparation course greatly prepared me for writing the SATs. The one on one teacher-student environment allowed for the individual attention needed to improve my weaknesses.
Alexandre Nossovskoi
“I am delighted to say, that even though I did not gain entry into all of the schools I had in mind, PREPSKILLS undoubtedly gave me the push in mathematics that I needed (brought those marks up into the 90s), increased my essay writing speed (English marks hit the 90s) and taught me many important skills concerning multiple choice tests (at least a 50% increase in speed and an immeasurable gain in the amount of intuitive logic one has when writing these tests.)
Suzanne Shapiro
“Any athlete that is serious about the NCAA should prepare and learn the strategies behind writing a successful SAT. That is what they will get when they take the PrepSkills SAT preparation course.
Veronica Pang
“Hi, my name is Veronica Pang and I’m currently attending UTS, also known as the University of Toronto Schools. Let me tell you this. I’m not part of the administration there, so I really have no concrete idea how they decide who to let in, but I do have the wealth of the actual experience on my hands, and I am here to share it with you.
Gina (Liqiong Xin)
“In 2013, my son Leo came to Canada and was in grade 8. Leo attended the Prepskills SSAT program and was admitted to grade 10 at St. Andrews’ College in 2014. Upon graduation from SAC, he took PREPKILLS SAT PREP program and was admitted to the UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA where he is currently studying.
Rosie Cardarelli, School Principal
“Prepskills provided our graduating students with the confidence and the tools to successfully complete the SSAT’s. Each of our students and their families received helpful information regarding the various aspects of applying to other private schools. The staff at Prepskills was always available to answer any questions that arouse during the testing and application time.
J. Zhu
“I’m happy to let you know that our son is accepted by the following three US universities: Cornell, Northwestern University, UC Berkeley. After he completed his Prepskills SAT program, Prepskills facilitated the application consulting process and the consultant is amazing.